Tuesday, June 3, 2008

indiana jones and the kingdom of the crystal skull review

even though harrison ford is getting old, yeah we've all heard the deal, that's usually what happens with time, he's still got it. i liked a lot of things about this movie...


• it's indiana jones, and hey he's a stud. (so glad ford took the earing out for the movie)
• as an older indiana jones, he does really good at letting you see glimpses of the young indiana jones, whom we all love and adore.
• i just love shia labeouf - he's adorable and he's a great actor. he stole my heart in transformers, and didn't let me down in this one.
• because i'm border line obsessed with archaeology, i loved that aspect to this movie. you know the question, "what would you be if you could be anything in the world?" well i'd be an archaeologist. so naturally these movies appeal to me in a great way. and just so you all know there really is a legend of 13 crystal skulls, only a few of which are found. (the most popular of which at some mayan ruins - dang it i wish i would have found it!)
• just a great action flick, as you would expect.
• perfect comedy. the chemistry between ford and labeouf = perfect.
• the last scene in the church is classic. it ended the indiana jones saga perfectly. clue: it has to do with the hat.


• i don't remember them playing the popular indiana jones music. maybe i missed it.
• there was an odd sci-fi twist at the end. thought that was a bit much, but hey it's a movie and out there to entertain us, right?
• indiana jones or not, there's no way your hat is staying on through all that! they must have glued it to his head.

so go see it, i'm sure you either have or want to. it's worth the money to see on the big screen.

also i wanted to do a spotlight. i am SO excited for this movie and if it's rated R, i just might go against the grain and see it anyway...hehe


Blogger christine said...

I didn't know about the crystal skull thing until I recently saw a documentary on it. Apparently they do believe that they are supernatural which is probably why Lucas put it in the script.

I was a bit disappointed with the movie. It wasn't a total washout but it wasn't amazing either. The script seemed so far fetched.

They did have the music (I was listening for it too), but it wasn't very often.

Ah a movie by one of your favorite's Mr Baz. You know most PG13 movies are half the time worse than R. I think its ok to use discretion and go for the good quality ones that inspire and uplift. Just my opinion though. :)

June 3, 2008 at 11:54 PM  
Blogger Amy said...

I still need to see Indy... on my list. Ford is classic- Han Solo AND Indiana Jones. Doesn't get much better.

"Australia" is seriously rated R? I've been waiting for it to come out!! Dang it. Let us know if you see it and if it's worth going to!

June 4, 2008 at 12:03 PM  
Blogger sherrie said...

amy - australia is actually not rated yet. but IF it is R i'll be seriously bummed.

christine - yeah the script was far fetched, but i suppose all the indiana jones movies are. this one was a bit more with the alien aspect and all that. still worth the money though in my book!

June 4, 2008 at 12:11 PM  
Blogger Amy said...

wow- so did not notice the "if". my mind has kind of gone more spacey since being pregnant- no joke. all worth it!

June 7, 2008 at 12:52 PM  

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