Tuesday, December 2, 2008

the twilight review

so i left the newborn with the daddy and had a girls night out with the mom, sister and sister in law. we left at 8:50 for the 9:00 show and had prime seats. we were pumped with popcorn, soda, sour patch kids, dibs, cell phones on vibrate... as the lights went down we all screamed "edward!" and chuckled like school girls. can it get any better than this?

let me start by saying that as a low budget film, it was satisfying. could it have been more satisfying had it had great effects and a make-up artist who knew what she was doing, yes of course, but still - i was content with what i got.

of course investing your heart and soul into all these characters through out the four books, naturally a thorough dissection of characters will inevitably come about. having said that i will give credit to the casting director, she did a great job on 95% of the characters. loved and yes this is in a particular order:
• edward. i will say that no one on this earth will ever be the perfect edward i imagined in my mind through out the books, but rob did a good job. although at times the angle of the camera made his nose look like he just got slammed with a 2x4. beside this, he was the perfect intensity i imagined edward having, and yes he was hot.
• bella. she was good in a layed back, i'm pretty but i don't realize it way.
• carlisle. HOT. if he was 10 years younger and didn't bleach his hair, he is getting very close to my edward.
• jasper. he always had this "holy crap" look on his face, but i loved it. if you read the books and know what he was going through, you get it.
• charlie. great casting. funny and perfect for bella's father.
• laurent. good acting.
• james. perfect bad boy. hot and yet a bit disturbing. great acting.
• mike and eric. good playing off of each other. wish they had more of it in there although i understand why they didn't.

besides the characters themselves there were some great scenes...
• the we're cooking for bella scene in the cullen kitchen.
• loved the awkwardness between bella and charlie. just like in the book.
• i liked the part were bella puts the pieces together and edward takes her into the woods. "say it!"
• liked the save bella in the school parking lot scene and how edward tries to play it off.
• the ballet studio scene definitely the best. check out alice ripping james' head off. wow.
• dancing in the gazebo scene. great song, great scene.

there is more that i liked about the movie, but i don't want to get out of hand here.

i believe that the problems i have with the movie, besides casting, are a result of the low budget issue. here's hoping they get their act together for movie #2 and spend some of the millions they surely made off of this one.

there are some casting issues i have...
• jacob. i just didn't picture jacob looking so odd. i hope the actor really grows up before the second movie like the character does in the book. he kinda bugged, and that's too bad cause jacob is such a lovable character.
• rosalie. she wasn't what i imagined. enough said.
• alice. needed to be shorter and more spunky.
• victoria. wish she would've had auburn hair and more of a classical beauty. (yes i'm being very picky).

i had issues with some of my favorite scenes from the book. they didn't come to life like i had hoped...
• sparkly edward in the meadow scene. totally ruined. what was that all about?
• save bella from the creepy guys in port angeles scene. edward's chivalrous entrance and rescue didn't do the book justice.
• the baseball game scene. didn't pull it off for me. was lacking something and i can't put my finger on it.

and so there ya have it. i'll probably buy the movie when it comes out, sure, will i spend another $10 to see it in the theater? probably not, i'd rather just read the book again.


Blogger Elizabeth C said...

I enjoyed reading your review, I had some of the same feelings, and some different, I loved the movie for what it was, because they always change parts for movies, so it flows better. I think you should watch it again, it was better for me the 2nd time, because I wasn't critiquing the whole time, just taking it in. I loved it mostly.

December 4, 2008 at 3:30 PM  
Blogger brytteva said...

Hi Sherrie. Overall, I agreed with your review. I tried not to watch the movie with expectations. I wasn't dissappointed but like you I wouldn't pay to see it again in the theatres. I'm curious to know if people who have never read the books thought it was a great movie or if they were lost or confused or just didn't like it. Hmmm..? I read that you weren't impressed with Rosalie or her character? I'm curious as to why? I wasn't too impressed either BUT I loved the part where she's helping making dinner for Bella and she breaks the bowl...I thought that was great!

December 5, 2008 at 10:19 AM  
Blogger sherrie said...

brytt: i agree i loved that part with rosalie. that whole scene was great. meyer really set up the actor to fail when she described her (and edward for that matter). she is suppose to be the most beautiful person and i don't think the actress fit what i had imagined. but she could sure give bella the evil look - that was good. and obviously meyer wasn't thinking about the movie when she wrote the book so going from the books description to seeing it on screen is a tricky situation. oh well...

December 5, 2008 at 12:13 PM  
Blogger Autumn said...

Great review. You should do this proffessionslly. I loved the books and the movie. Nate saw it with me the second time and follwed it well and liked it. On another note your baby is a doll. Hope you are enjoying her.

December 5, 2008 at 6:04 PM  
Blogger enickel said...

Marshall and I watched the movie on Thanksgiving and I actually loved it. I heard so many negative things from friends so I went in with low expectations, but excited. I want to see it again in the theater, but probably won't get a chance. Marshall really enjoyed it, but didn't want to know what happens next. He will wait for the next movie. I didn't mind the Jacob actor. You know I love Jacob, and I am hoping he does mature, like in the book. He had a small part in this one. Rosalie really annoyed me and I don't think she was good at all. Why did she have to have big thighs? That is rude, but I pictured her having a perfect body. It bothered me. I loved Edward and Bella and Bella's girlfriends. They were perfect and that is really what counts. Carlisle's hair was very distracting. I thought Victoria was great. She was gorgeous and her hair was amazing. The sparkling body scene was dumb, but I loved when they were up in the trees. Just some random thoughts from me. Thanks for the review!

December 9, 2008 at 10:05 PM  
Blogger Heather said...

I finally got the book and read it....after the movie came out! I haven't seen it yet, but plan to soon. The book was great. I'm not expecting very much out of the movie though. Your review is pretty much the way that people I've spoken to feel about it.
Good review.

December 10, 2008 at 4:27 AM  

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